Limited Addiction
1007 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96817 Phone #: (808)847-4000
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Massive Clothing Presents...

Massive fundraiser for Massive Clothing owner Chad Bulseco. We would like you to join us! And Chad himself would love for you folks to join us too! Give aways from: Massive Clothing, Fiah Clique, Limited Addiction & much much more! If Braddah Chad touched your HEART in some way and/or some how, come down and ENJOY!, and share those memories with his family and Chad himself. Much Aloha! Call us for more INFO call: 847-4000

R.I.P Bradda Chad! Fiah Clique reppin' since day ONE!
Blogger Emma Tanner said...
I'm gonna check out you clothing designs.
addict clothing